Thomas's Story

"Thomas's Own Words"

"I have had support before, but never with such a genuine and caring approach. Nothing is too much for Chris, and he stood by me every step of the way. I have never felt so confident that I won’t relapse again, and this thanks to the approach Chris has taken to help me to realise my true potential"

Thomas accessed JST via an NHS referral and presented as homeless following a Mental Health breakdown that led to him losing his job, relationships and home. This meant that there was a lot of pre-entry work to be processed in order to get Thomas secured on the project, and more importantly to safeguard against potential risk and harm as a result of his Mental Health concerns. Our first point of call was to establish a form of income via benefit to stabilise income, and then to put in the work to stabilise mental health and strive towards sustainable accommodation and eventually move closer to employment, education and training.

What we have achieved so far:

Thomas spent 2 months in a hostel in Birmingham, where he kept his head down, avoided trouble and abstained from substance misuse.

Thomas mood has stabilised, and he is actively managing his mental health During this time Thomas developed a zest for reading and is now on his 3rd novel (first time he has made it through a full book)

Thomas is now 3 months without using substances to self-medicate his Mental Health. Working in partnership with Dudley Council Housing, we have secured a property closer to his comfort zone in Netherton.

This is independent accommodation, and Thomas has maintained his budget to successfully manage his financial commitments. To support Thomas with this move we have accessed a St. Martins In The Field grant to pay his first two weeks rent (this allows him to focus some of his budget on items needed to furnish his place)

We also submitted a Glasspool Grant for carpets, fridge freezer & a cooker.

“I have had support before, but never with such a genuine and caring approach. Noting is too much for Chris, and he stood by me every step of the way. I have never felt so confident that I won’t relapse again, and this thanks to the approach Chris has taken to help me to realise my true potential”

The exciting stuff moving:

Thomas has strengthened links with his family network, and he is regularly corresponding with his family.

Thomas is now building Bridges with his ex-partner, and they are forging a friendship (this is very healthy for him)

We have has lots of in-depth discussions around restructuring and moving forward, setting up and working towards a life that he wants and a future that aligns with his skills and desires.

Thomas has started a Welding Course, part-time, evenings, and starts a separate course on Thursday for further Welding, both via Dudley College.

Towards the end of the month he will start a 4 week forklift course to obtain his licences.


We are able to speak up for individuals and act on their behalf and them in a range of complex situations such as benefit assessments , appeals, with debt agencies, social services, housing.


We provide support over a period of time to help and guide people through difficult situations, to overcome issues and barriers and change their lives for the better.


We provide individual support for people facing a range of issues. Working 1-2-1 we work with people to identify and address their main barriers, develop coping skills, improve confidence and well being


Whilst working with people to address their issues and barriers we actively support them to become stronger, more confident and gain control over their own lives.