Yours Truly

Funded by

community fund

What We Do

Yours Truly supports carers in Dudley to identifying suitable formal and informal interests, together with helping them in accessing these interests. The benefits and differences experienced by carers would be, increased social skills, improvement in health and well-being, increased skill set and feeling of self-worth, a reduction in isolation, increased sense of purpose and for some greater financial stability.

How We Can Support

We can support YOU to identify personal and vocational goals for self-improvement, outside of Your caring role.
This would include but is not limited to:

  • Increased social skills and interactions by joining and taking part in social activities, like book clubs, craft clubs, gardening clubs and digital skills groups.

  • Improvement in health and well-being by joining and taking part in sport, health, or fitness activities like gyms, bowling groups, walking groups.

  • Increased skill set and self-worth by enrolling on and completing college courses, either to develop basic skills or vocational qualifications.

  • Increased sense of purpose, and for some financial stability by identifying valuable work experience, volunteering opportunities and paid work where circumstances permit.


We are able to speak up for individuals and act on their behalf and them in a range of complex situations such as benefit assessments, appeals, dealing with debt agencies, social services & housing.



We provide support over a period of time to help and guide people through difficult situations, to overcome issues and barriers and change their lives for the better.


We provide individual support for people facing a range of issues. Working 1-2-1 we work with people to identify and address their main barriers, develop coping skills, improve confidence and well being


Whilst working with people to address their issues and barriers we actively support them to become stronger, more confident and gain control over their own lives.