Dan's Story

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"Dan's Own Words"

Dan is 74 years old. He has wanted to learn how to use a device to get online for a couple of years. He was unsure where to start and initially began receiving support through Dudley MBC Adult Community Learning (ACL). Dan said that he found it difficult to ‘keep up’ with the lessons and was nervous about asking questions in front of other people in a classroom setting.

Dan was then referred to Digi Dudley from ACL. At the time of writing this letter (left) Dan was on his 4th session. There was a week where Dan practised revising the notes and trialling different apps. Digi Dudley was useful in this respect as lessons are booked for when participants can get the most use out of them (as opposed to classes taking place weekly that people may not feel well enough or ready for).

When support with Digi Dudley began Dan had no device or internet. Digi Dudley loaned Dan a Samsung Galaxy A8 tablet with data provided to us by the National Databank for 6 months. Dan really liked using this device due to its large touch screen and was given a silicon pen by Digi Dudley to help with his co-ordination.

The first couple of sessions were on the basics of using the tablet followed by sessions on emails, using apps, online security & scam awareness.

After 4 sessions Dan felt confident in downloading well known apps to use including the apps for Argos and Asda. We then had a session on online shopping and another on the NHS App and entertainment apps such as BBC iPlayer and YouTube.

Dan then decided to get his first smartphone. He bought a Samsung phone due to already having learned how to use a Samsung device via the tablet.

We then had a session on this phone setting it up so he could use the apps on his phone as well as tablet (the two essentially becoming very similar). Dan was very happy with this.

Digi Dudley has supported Dan in the same way as many other participants when it comes to helping them to get out of the house and engage with other services. Dan now attends JST’s Men’s Social Group in Coseley where he can meet others and ask Jim questions at the drop-in session and continue to learn new skills.

Dan Says " I have known Jim from Digi Dudley for five weeks now and I can tell you, he's very patient with older people. I find Jim very pleasant, trustworthy, on time first time and every time. Just the person you can trust in peoples homes.  People of my age need someone like Jim to learn us digital skills & give us confidence which he does 100%"


We are able to speak up for individuals and act on their behalf and them in a range of complex situations such as benefit assessments , appeals, with debt agencies, social services, housing.


We provide support over a period of time to help and guide people through difficult situations, to overcome issues and barriers and change their lives for the better.


We provide individual support for people facing a range of issues. Working 1-2-1 we work with people to identify and address their main barriers, develop coping skills, improve confidence and well being


Whilst working with people to address their issues and barriers we actively support them to become stronger, more confident and gain control over their own lives.