“Say Hello” Friendly Bench

Today at the ‘Say Hello’ bench is our very own Sam from Just Straight Talk will be inviting people visiting Silver Jubilee Park Coseley to play board games and paint rocks as she promotes the new Dudley and Sandwell project Platform. This new project will be working with people 18+ around wellbeing, mindfulness, learning new skills and socialising. Pop down for a cold drink and a batter from 10-4 today
Oh wow! Our Coseley ‘Say Hello’ bench looks fun today and I-spy a sweet treat or two! Pop down to see what it’s all about at Silver Jubilee Park Coseley and meet Total Perception CIC Theatre Company from 10-2pm
Today at Silver Jubilee Park Coseley come and ‘Say Hello’ to Coseley Library and the Friends of Coseley Library who are talking to people about the range of activities and groups available at their dog-friendly library in the village. With books from local Black Country history to children’s stories, there’s something for everyone- and it’s all free. Tricia from the library will the there til 3pm today with story time and freebies to give away too for the littles one. See you there!
We’ve finished for the day down here at Silver Jubilee Park Coseley but had almost 50 interactions with strangers, each having a pom-pom, some having a cuppa, some making poms but every one left our stand knowing more about our project and wearing a smile. Thank you to all who came and said hello and for our #pomgang who made poms and chatted with us.
Just Straight TalkCoseley Sedgley & Gornal Village ConnectCoseley LifeRoseville, CoseleyEden Project CommunitiesDudley Council