Support Projects

"Stacey saved my life, I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for the support I gained from JST"

We Aim

to empower people

to build

Better lives

Current Support Projects                   

Working in Dudley to support adults who are in paid employment to increase their financial resilience by offering budgeting support, coaching to enabling people to increase their knowledge and skills on maximising their household income, managing expenditure, avoiding debt and arranging payment plans.

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Aims to reduce loneliness and isolation for older people in Dudley that want to feel more confident in using tablets, laptops, and phones. This enables people to feel more connected with friends & family, online shopping, book health appointments, pick up new skills and use the internet safely & independently. It also provides a tablet & data loan scheme.

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Supports carers in the Dudley Borough by helping people identify their personal & vocational goals for self improvement, outside of their caring role. We encourage people to take time for themselves by exploring hobbies and interests with sessions aimed at increasing confidence and skills with getting online. Advice and guidance is also on offer on carers rights and benefits.

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Supporting people aged 18+ unemployed or economically inactive to increase wellbeing, confidence and self esteem. Using 1-1 and group sessions the aim is to help people have a sense of belonging & purpose. Groups will be set up and run based on needs, ensuring people lead happier, healthier lives and are better connected within communities across Dudley & Sandwell.

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JST works with various partners – referral agencies include Dudley MBC, DWP, West Midlands Police, The Princes Trust, DWP, housing support agencies, statutory & non-statutory organisations and Supporting People services through Dudley Council.

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If you are interested in volunteering with JST, why not reach out to us directly and enquire about any volunteer opportunities that are currently available. It's always important to volunteer with organisations that align with your values and beliefs.

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Get Support

At JST, we offer one-on-one support to individuals who are dealing with a variety of issues or are experiencing challenging circumstances. Our team works closely with each person to identify their primary obstacles and develop effective coping strategies to overcome them.

Support us with
Supporting our community

At JST we often provide emergency crisis welfare assistance to individuals throughout their journey, ensuring that no one goes without basic necessities such as food, warmth, gas/electric emergency shelter, and a safe place to stay.

100% of your donation will go to people that will wholeheartedly benefit from these welfare grants.

If JST has helped you before, you are interested in the work we do, or you are in a place where you are able to give a little back financially to your local area, please donate to help others.

All donations will go a long way to help more people across the Black Country to lead healthy and happier lives. We are more than happy to contact you with feedback on how your donation was utilised and how far this reached.

JST and the communities we support are hugely grateful for your donation or any contribution.



Work for us

Just Straight Talk (JST) was established in October 2012 with the aim of offering advice, guidance, and support to individuals who are unemployed or economically inactive and seeking opportunities for employment, training, education, improved housing, and better health.

Over the years, we have been able to provide support to more than 4,100 individuals who have gone on to lead improved lives. We invite you to join us in our mission to make a positive impact on the lives of people in need.


Some of our stories

“I have looked forward to every meeting with my Support Worker… She has been a lifesaver… I have been rock bottom now I know I am ready to move on up! And I want to thank you (JST) for being there for me”