What We Do
Platform is a three-year project, funded by The National Lottery Community Fund which has literally evolved out of the experience we have gained over the past 10 years, and emerging needs in our community. The last three years we have worked with 689 adults to enable them to reach a point in their lives that they are happier, healthier, and contributing into society. Due to the support given to people during the pandemic we ensured no one was left alone or behind with driveway visits, shop and drops, digital loan schemes, zoom 1-1’s and group sessions.
This evolved and we now have projects such as Platform built from meeting local needs.
Platform supports people aged 18 + who are experiencing complex and multiple needs. Beneficiaries will include people with long-term physical/mental health conditions, living in poverty, experiencing debt, insecure housing and/or homeless, care leavers, domestic abuse, ex-offenders or substance dependency.
PLATFORM began in April 2023 for 3 years and aims to:
* Provide short term, targeted one to one support, leading into group activities.
* Improve feelings of wellbeing, achieved through connecting individuals to support people to better manage their long-term health conditions.
* Support people to be stable (both financially and in their housing needs), through providing support to manage debt, alleviate poverty and securing alternative accommodation.
* Guide people to become more socially connected, build networks and interact with others through accessing group & peer support and activities.
This is three-year project that has evolved out of the experience Just Straight Talk have gained over the last ten years and emerging needs in the current climate across communities.
Over the last three years JST has worked with 689 adults, enabling them to reach a point in their lives where they are happier, healthier, and feeling like they can contribute to their community. Support provided during the pandemic ensured no one was left excluded or isolated, with driveway visits, shop and drops, digital loan schemes, and virtual support via Zoom.
These are the foundations on which PLATFORM has been built, responding to the needs of people.
If you would like more information or to get involved with Platform then please don't hesitate to contact Andy/Sam/ Stacey or Chris via our contact us button on the website or on 01902 256 744.
How We Can Support
With Platform YOU can connect and get involved with your local community, make new friends and increase your well-being!
This would include but is not limited to:
Providing short term, targeted one to one support, that progresses into participation in group activities.
Improving feelings of wellbeing, by connecting individuals to wider support and by helping people to better manage their long-term health conditions.
Supporting people to achieve stability (both financially and in their housing needs), through help with debt management, poverty alleviation and the securing of alternative accommodation.
Helping people to become more socially connected, building networks and growing interaction with others through group & peer support and activities.
We are able to speak up for individuals and act on their behalf and them in a range of complex situations such as benefit assessments, appeals, dealing with debt agencies, social services & housing.
We provide support over a period of time to help and guide people through difficult situations, to overcome issues and barriers and change their lives for the better.
We provide individual support for people facing a range of issues. Working 1-2-1 we work with people to identify and address their main barriers, develop coping skills, improve confidence and well being.
Whilst working with people to address their issues and barriers we actively support them to become stronger, more confident and gain control over their own lives.
Meet the Team